Sunday, March 05, 2006

Happy St. Patricks Day!

OK OK I know! I am waaay behind schedule, but with weather like this I think I'm doing pretty good. With spring only 2 weeks away it is always fun to watch the snow. Because I know it will all be melted tomorrow!

Work on the garage has been going slow but steady. I have finished building the sliding "party" door and I have cut and trimmed all the soffit pieces. I thought keeping open soffits would make it easier to finish, but because the nail holes from the roof have to go through the substrate to grip I was left with an open soffit full of nails. I used firring strips and beadboard to give a finished look to the soffits. It only took 2 months to finish. Next up is building the venner stone base. Stay tuned!


At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johnny, Aunt Peg, Uncle Mike and I went for a tour of a Richardson house on Prairie Avenue and I told the guide that my nephew owns a Sullivan house. Well, now I know it's a Griffen house and wow am I impressed. All those architects---flwright, griffen, richardson, sullivan are fascinating. Why didn't I know about this website before? Love you! Aunt Jackie


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